Jangan Lupa Kasi Coment Yaa!!!
Lowongan pekerjaan di PT. INCO SOROAKO
Until July 3rd, 2011

PT Inco
PT International Nickel Indonesia, Tbk.

We are proud to the benchmark for Efficiency, Real Growth,
Sustainability and Reputation.


Mechanical Engineer (Code: MECE-EN)

Purpose of the role
To provide mechanical engineering technical expertise to support all
mechanical system work related to Engineering Departments
Accountability. To undertake engineering design function for capital
and operating projects, to meet the project requirement and PTI

• Comply with all PTI and EHS procedures, standards and policies in
Engineering Departement project area.
• Develop conceptual, preliminary and detail engineering design for
the project considering performance, constructability, maintainability
and functionality, Identify any risks, restriction and comply with EHS
and government regulation.
• Develop project schedule and cost estimate, identify critical path
and major expenditure. Monitor project progress for report to project
manager and maintain the progress based on the planning.
• Prepare tender and contract documentation, review the technical
aspects of incoming bids and recommend the preferred bidder.

• University degree in Mechanical Engineering discipline.
Specialization in Energy Conservation is preferable.
• 3 years Mechanical Engineering design on heavy industrial plant is preferable.

Maintenance Engineer (Code: MTCE-EN)

Purpose of the Role:
Provide engineering technical expertise to support Plant Maintenance
management to improve availability, reliability and performance of
Process Plant equipment.

• University degree from Mechanical or Electrical Engineering.
• Minimum Experience 2 years as engineer in Maintenance or Engineering
of Mining or Heavy Industries.

Electrical Engineer (Code: ELCE-EN)

Purpose of the Role:
To provide electrical engineering technical expertise to support all
electrical system work related to Engineering Department s
Accountability. To undertake engineering design function for capital
and operating projects, to meet the project requirement and PTI

• Comply with all PTI and EHS procedures, standard and policies in
Engineering Department project area.
• Develop preliminary and detail engineering design for the project
considering performance, constructability, maintainability and
functionality. Identify any risks, restriction and comply with EHS and
government regulation.
• Develop project schedule and cost estimate, identify critical path
and major expenditure. Monitor project progress for report to project
manager and maintain the progress based on the planning.
• Prepare tender and contract documentation, review the technical
aspects of incoming bids and recommend the preferred bidder.

• University degree in electrical (power system) engineering discipline.
• 3 years electrical engineering design on heavy industrial plant is preferable.

Instrument Engineer (Code: INSE-EN)

Purpose of the Role:
To provide instrument engineering technical expertise to support all
control system and instrumentation work related to Engineering
Department s Accountability. To undertake engineering design function
for capital and operating projects, to meet the project requirement
and PTI standards. Provide technical assistance to operational
department to solve any technical issues related to instrumentation
and control system.

• Comply with all PTI and EHS procedures, standards and policies in
Engineering Project area.
• Develop preliminary and detail engineering design for the project
considering performance, constructability, maintainability and
functionality. Identify any risks, restriction and comply with EHS and
government regulation.
• Develop project schedule and cost estimate, identify critical path
and major expenditure. Monitor project progress for report to project
manager and maintain the progress based on the planning.
• Prepare tender and contract documentation, review the technical
aspects of incoming bids and recommend the preferred bidder.

• University degree in electrical, instrumentation or control system
engineering discipline.
• 3 years control system & Instrument engineering design of heavy
industry plant is preferable.

Senior Civil & Structural Engineer (Code: SCSTE-EN)

Purpose of the Role:
• To provide civil & structural engineering technical expertise to
support all works related to Engineering Department s Accountability.
To undertake engineering design function for capital and operating
projects for complex scope of work, to meet the project requirement
and PTI standards.
• To be a technical reviewer for other civil & structural engineer s
conceptual design, engineering calculation, engineering report,
engineering specification, material requisition and Engineering Work
Package (EWP).

• Comply with all PTI and EHS procedures, standards and policies in
Engineering Department project area.
• Develop conceptual, preliminary and detail engineering design for
the project considering performance, constructability, maintainability
and functionality. Identify any risks, restriction comply with EHS and
government regulation.
• Develop project schedule and cost estimate, identify critical path
and major expenditure. Monitor project progress for report to project
manager and maintain the progress based on the planning.
• Prepare tender and contract documentation, review the technical
aspects of incoming bids and recommend the preferred bidder.

• University degree in civil & structural engineering discipline.
• Minimum 8 years civil & structural engineering design on heavy
industrial plant, with some cross discipline project experience is

Terms and Condition:

• Please submit your CV. recent photograph, copy of proof of work
experience, copy of academic certificate. Only by Email to
• Position name and code MUST be written on email subject.
• Closing date is on July, 3rd 2011 at 4pm.
• Only applicants that meet requirements with complete documents as
required above will be notified for further selection process.

Email: pti_recruiting@valeinco.com

Posted by:
efraim masarrang
8 Responses
  1. Anonim Says:

    buat teknik industri gak ad gan??nuat teknik industri gak ad gan??

  2. Anonim Says:

    klo untuk klinik perusahan(jurusan keperawatan) ada gk y....???????

  3. Anonim Says:

    mantaf kw

  4. hasriani Says:

    ass..klo untuk D3perawat gigi terima nggak ya? klo terima tolong hub aku di no. ini 082196360366...saya harap bapak atau ibu bisa hubungi saya secepatnya,thanks before

  5. Anonim Says:

    ass..ada ga lowongan buat D3 gigi,mohon bapak atau ibu hub no.hp saya di 082196360366,thanks before

  6. Unknown Says:

    Its been long time... sudah lama iklan ini.. saya sudah tidak dapat info2 terbaru tentang penerimaan disana... Maaf ya... nnti kalo saya dapat nnti anda sya hbungi..

    Tapi saran saya adalah lebih baik anda dtang ke sroako n mencari lowongan disana...

  7. Anonim Says:

    update dung infoxxxxxxx!!!!!
    ada lowongan u/ tyreman ga ya? kalo ada hub sy di no 081254704679, pengalaman 4thn di tambang batu bara (active).

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